Molly trip 1 1/17/2024, live report

Amount: 100 mg, redose of probably ~10-20mg an hour and a half after. Bong hits throughout.

Trip Length: started at ~6:45 am, redosed at 9:15, ended by 1pm.

Trip Rating: 9/10 point off for the vomitting moment

Hitting/Beginning: It kicked in fairly quickly, within probably half an hour. I puked a small amount not long after it hit-the nausea is horrible, I wish I had taken the warnings regarding that more serioudly. It's a completely different high from shrooms or acid, more similar to norcos for sure. After puking though, I kind of like it. Its a spaciness that I enjoy, though my head hurts slightly. Nothing looks different, but my perception is for sure altered. It just feels weird to look around. I'm hoping that I didn't get rid of everything by puking-I don't really think so though, that shit process quickkly. I'm typing quickly, like my thoughts are... easy. I don't know if I'll redose. I don't really want to puke again. Holy shit. I get why it's called ecstacy. This is everything. Everything feels so fucking good. I get why people get addicted to this. Everything feels so good. I feel so good. I really have no other way of descibing it-it's full body euphoria, this is insane. I get it. This is just full blown euphoria.

Peaking/Midpoint: Everything feels so good. I tried to have some... personal fun time, but couldn't keep it together, for some reason. It's really full body euphora. Everything feels good. It's so good. I don't know about the really deeply therapeutic ways of doing this right now, but I get how it would work-I feel very numb to most things right now. Numb and amazing. It really is ecstacy. It's really just pure good chemical. I'm not entirely sure how this would be therapeutically, other than that it feels very good, but that's on me. I do keep clenching my jaw, which I was warned about-I'm glad that I read that that was common. It's pure bliss. I just FEEL good. I feel comfortable. Time is passing so much quicker than I'd like it to be.

Coming Down/Ending:I could feel the entire comedown. I laid down for some of it, since I was suddenly super tired. I don't think that I actually slept, but it was really comfortable.

Live trip notes: