The genie is the best character in all versions

So I saw Aladdin live on tour in Los Angeles with my aunt and mom when I was in, I think, middle school.

I didn't know there was a broadway version of Aladdin before this trip. I saw the original movie when I was a kid, obviously, who hasn't seen Aladdin, so of course I knew what I was going into for the most part.

I don't actually remember a lot of this one, but I know that the genie was the best part. He made some Wakanda reference early in, as part of a line that I believe the genies have full rein over improv during. So he was great.

I got a necklace as merch there, along with an ornament, and that's about it.

We also went to the stagedoor, so I got stuff signed by a bunch of the cast. I then accidentally got tape on one of the signatures, so I fucked it up, because I am a fool. It was a fun show though. blahhhh
