Gay people at Dear Evan Hansen???

Dear Evan Hansen was a christmas/birthday gift from my parents. I got two tickets, I could take whoever I wanted, and if no one else could come, my mom would. I think I asked one or two other people first, but I ended up going with my then-situationship-- this was a REAL complicated relationship, crazy off and on love triangle nonsense, but we were... KIND OF dating at the time.

She was on crutches at the time because of some injury, and neither of our parents-my mother having to drive me-knew that we were dating at all. We were, at the time, a gay-presenting couple--she's a cis woman and I was somewhere between non-binary and newly transmasc. People still saw me as female, as the main point.

It was great. I can't give DEH a lot of props as a show itself, but seeing it live was fun. I was warned that it might be overwhelming at times, which wasn't really a problem I ran into.

I knew the show very well going in-I was a huge fan, so I knew the songs, knew the story, and had seen a bootleg online already. So it was like a dream come true at the moment.

I got pins as merch-I'm not sure where all of them are anymore, I think they must be in a box or somewhere in my old room.

Above anything else, I actually really liked the set. The movement is very cool, and so is the projection. It's well designed for sure, at least to me.
