I caught The Lion King live on broadway in New York!

So I was in New York on a school trip in middle school. I don't live anywhere near New York-this trip had to be fundraised for, it was a whole thing.

The thing I was most excited for on this trip was Lion King, for sure. I hadn't seen the show ahead of time-just the movie, like all of us have, so I wasn't sure what I was going into.

I remember losing my fucking mind over the costumes as soon as the show started. If you haven't seen them before, they are some of the most wild broadway costumes there are. They do a good job of mixing the humanity of the actors, with the animals they're supposed to represent. This means that the movement is a little strange, and very very interesting to look at.

We didn't have the time to get merch during intermission, so I texted my mom to make her make the lead chaperone let us go buy merch afterwards. I still have... some of that merch, but I don't really regret it, that woman was a bitch and I wore the sweater I got for like 3 years afterwards.

The Lion King is one of the great shows of broadway, I'd say, so I honestly wish I'd waited a little longer to see it-just so I could take it in better and all, but I tend to think that about all things. I haven't really listened to it since, but I'd catch it live again.
