I caught RENT as a local college production because I had a friend in the show-shoutout to Lulu :3. Like most shows, I caught this with my brother.
This college does a lot of theatre stuff-a lot of theatre people I knew in highschool ended up going there, and they host a yearly drama festival for highschoolers. Because of this, their shows tend to be great, and totally worth watching when I can catch it.
The cast was fantastic, highlighting their Angel. The angel was played by a queer man that I fell in love with immediately, he was absolutely perfect. Everyone else was great too. I didn't catch any singing issues, though I'm not great at noticing that anyway.
The set was fantastic too. Some of the staging was particularly fun-with the keys dropping from the apartment near the beginning, and everything about "going out tonight". This college and troupe always go all out for the set.
I don't remember much all else from the show, except that it was great. I would totally go see it again. I've seen shows at that venue since, and I'd like to see RENT somewhere else if possible.