Statement 7. 10/31/2023

Statement begins.

Happy Samhain!

I think I'm getting better. Maybe.

Above everything else, I wish the RSD would disappear. I'd like to respond to criticism in a normal way. I'd like to be more emotionally stable.

Finally, I'm starting to sleep somewhat normally. Thank Apollo for Seroquil. It's got a nice almost-high too-big fan. That makes the drug count 4--the ADHD med, the sleepy med, the Bipolar med, and the hormones. I never claimed that I wouldn't be a pill popper when I grew up.

It's really fucking lonely. It's hard to believe that the friends I do have actually like me-I'm so annoying, I can't stop fucking up. Maybe we all fuck up the same. I'm just not a dick about it when other people fuck up, generally.

Can't wait for another concert-John-Allison Weiss again on December 1st!

I miss people. Sometimes it's a lot. It's hard to believe that I am an adult. Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I don't.

I just wish I could drink.

Statement ends.